2022, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A
The influence of beauty models on consumers’ product choice
Author(s): KO Nworgu
Abstract: The study is on the Influence of Beauty Models on Consumers’ Product Choice. It aims at determining consumer’s difficulty in making a choice of Delta soap brand. To identify which brand of Delta soap is more patronized by the use of models. To determine the gender and age that is influenced by the use of models in advertising Delta soap. To know the other factors influencing consumer purchase of Delta soap. Survey research method was a method which focuses on a representative set derived from the entire population of study. According to Asika (2009:13), survey research focuses on populations or the universe, data are collected from the population for intensive study and analysis. More often than not, the researcher finds that he cannot possibly study all the subjects or items in the population. The area of study is Michael Okpara University Umudike Abia State. The Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, originally the Federal University of Agriculture, is a federal university in Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria established as a specialized University by a Federal Government of Nigeria Decree No 48 of November 1992. The target population of the study was the entire consumers of Delta Soap in Michael Okpara University Umudike, Abia State. The total number of students currently is 11,232 students. Sample size is the number of subjects of elements (Unit of Analysis) usually drawn from a population meant for the study. It is usually a reflection of the population… (Nworgu 2010: 362) [28]. The data analysis of students of Michael Okpara University Umudike is 11,232 students, the researcher studied a sample size of 200 respondents using questionnaire. The findings of this study revealed that Delta summer cool soap brand has influence on consumer’s choice. It also proved that advertising help the consumers behaviour positively towards brand of soap selection. It was found out that majority of the soap users are satisfied with the soap and its services which is the ultimate goal of the consumer. Thus it has successfully satisfied the consumer’s perceived want or need due to the important roles it has played in beautifying their skin. The female models have helped to reduce the difficulty in choosing Delta soap brands. The Delta soap brand has become so important because of the attraction of the female models on the pack.
Pages: 31-40 | Views: 1752 | Downloads: 1080
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How to cite this article:
KO Nworgu. The influence of beauty models on consumers’ product choice. International Journal of Advanced Mass Communication and Journalism. 2022; 3(1): 31-40.